What a beautiful fall day ! We woke up and made yummy pumpkin spice muffins and went outside for school and play. Emile
busied himself with this
homemade oatmeal "sand" box where he does loads of pouring and filling, also he had a
Tupperware full of assorted dry beans that he pretended to cook and then after he was done planted them in the garden. Daddy will have a little
surprise come spring when
Lima's, black, red and navy beans start sprouting up all over the place.
Avery worked in his math book, finishing up the review tests. Now we are ready for the second half of the first grade workbook.
In grammar we did more labeling of sentences (nouns and verbs). For a little fun I had him make up some sentences talking about an animal and what the animal was doing- then acting the sentence out in the yard. They both had loads of fun doing that!
Here's a few of their thoughts:
"The lion ran across the field."
"The ant bit the man."
"The bat swung from the tree."
"The elephant danced on one foot."
The last one was especially funny to watch them act out!
This afternoon (so that I can have a rest) we are going to watch a DVD on deep sea life. Avery has always been fascinated with ocean life and all of the amazing creatures that exist in that ecosystem. So in asking him what he would enjoy learning about this week (just for fun) he requested creatures of the deep sea. We also went to the library and checked out books to go along with his peaked interest.
So a nap is calling at the moment. Enjoy this beautiful fall weather if you can!