He's growing so fast! I find myself constantly trying to breath him in, trying to permanently imprint that baby smell into my memory. I can't conjure up for the life of me the feeling of holding Avery or Emile at that age. I want to always remember that softness, that baby smell and how there is absolutely no resistance to my thousands of kisses!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
Avery is reading his first chapter book all by himself- Frog and Toad together. We are all so excited!!!
If you are interested in seeing what "level" your child reads check this out.
If you are in Louisiana and want to see what kids around the state are learning at your childs grade level look here.
I only look at these things twice a year. Once at the begining to see what direction we should take, then later in the year to see how far we've come and what we have accomplished. If there are things we missed or maybe are slacking on I save that for the spring/summer season to focus on those areas alone. So far so good!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
growing up
Grab a box of tissues and watch this. A reminder that each moment is precious and so temporary! Soon they will be grown and living their own life away from the home we spend so much time making just right for them. Story times, snuggles, monsters under the bed and muddy footprints on the carpet are only here for a short while. I miss them already!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Swampy Excursions
Today we went for an outing to Lake Martin for our science lesson. Learning about habitats, and being from south Louisiana, the wetlands are near and dear to us. So that is where we started. It was an amazingly beautiful day, and lucky for us the alligators weren't looking to eat any children today (a genuine fear that my boys have). We'll have to come back this spring when they are nesting!!!
We did manage to see a turtle sunning himself on a log, beautiful white egrets, few black capped chikadees and what I think was an osprey (our variety of an eagle!).
On our long drive home, I looked back to discover all three children sound asleep! I think it was a very worthwhile adventure indeed.
Monday, February 15, 2010
I've taking a little break from the computer, but here are a few great sites I have enjoyed reading lately. I'll be back next week!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Fresh Air
February always brings a sense of anticipation of the warmer months. You can feel it creeping around the corner...so close! Despite the chilly air we take to the woods anyway, trying to discover what animals brave the colder weather, making a game of who can identify what plant even without it's leaves. And most of all learning what it is to be silent and still, hearing the sounds around us that doesn't involve a T.V. or ringing cell phone.
It was such a nice treat to see a pair of Robins right as we were about to leave. They say when you see robins that spring is right around the corner! We're ready for you Spring!!!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
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