Thursday, September 24, 2009

The circulatory system

We have moved to the circulatory system in our science lesson. Today we made a model of BLOOD! So appropriate with the upcoming season (er...I'm talking about Halloween, our favorite time of year!)

We used Karo syrup for the plasma, lentils for the platelets, red jelly beans for the red blood cells and large lima beans for the white blood cells. We mixed it all together in a large mason jar and viola-what blood would look like under a microscope! After the project Avery was able to identify the four major parts of our blood and tell me the jobs that each part performs. It was a really fun lab to do and the clear visual seemed to really help him remember the important information.Unfortunately I have a broken camera so no pictures of our model today.


  1. andrea,
    this sounds so awesome + fun. is this your idea or from your science program? i love it.

  2. This is from our science curriculum, R.E.A.L. Science. He absolutely loves it!
