Thursday, August 20, 2009

A little introduction

Hello to Anyone who happens to read this first entry! I'm very excited to start off this year of homeschooling for some reason. Maybe it's the nesting instinct kicking in, or maybe it is the thrill of an eager first grader ready to dive in!

My goal for having this blog is to keep an honest and oh so informal record of our homeschooling journey. I hope to document my curriculum, books we read, organization ideas, and tricks on keeping your sanity while your toddler eats the science experiments. And please...anyone with ideas and there own tricks and treats on homeschooling I welcome you to leave comments and feedback and tell me just how you do it!

First day of "School" - August 24, 2009

May the Adventures Begin!!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds good! Welcome to the blogosphere. I hope your school year begins well.
