Tuesday, September 1, 2009


There is always that time of day, right before dinner, where the kids are at their worst and think there is nothing better to do than to irritate one another to tears. I am pulling my hair out repeating "I'm done, I'm done!" I Watch the clock, waiting for Adam to walk through the door and relieve me of my parenting duties for a moment or two so that I can cook dinner. And everything after that moment is a whirlwind! A feeding frenzy, full of demands, messy hands to clean, and chattery voices to continue to listen to. Bath time is a saving grace, but then back to chaos- drying runaway naked boys, finding jammies, playing musical beds and reading our bed time books. Kids are finaly asleep by 9:30 and Adam and I look at each other like an army just raided our house! I am not complaining, it would be very boring without this stuff. There is lots of laughter, tickles and good times. It's still a frenzy, and all adults crave some silence, right?

So the reason for my rambling is just to point out that the change in the seasons touches all, especially little people. The weather shifted a bit last night and this afternoon, when the usual chaos would reign, we went outside and heard only the sound of the birds and once in a while the ohh and ahhh of a child discovering something wondrous in the natural world. The cooler air soothed and calmed us all. I'm so grateful for days like today! We all need a shift sometimes. Seasons change and internally we do too! Welcome September!


  1. so true...we've been walking every evening after dinner & it gives us such a wonderful break and motivator to do all of the stuff listed above. (it never ends right?) As far as dinner...library videos for us! Cooking can be a meditation for me and i don't like being interrupted...ha ha
